Funded by Greater Cincinnati Foundation & United Way of Greater Cincinnati's COVID-19 Regional Response Fund.
For Clermont County Community Services (CCCS), your support of the COVID-19 Regional Relief Fund did more than fund a shift in operations. It provided an opportunity to keep families safe and healthy for the duration of this crisis.
When CCCS got the call about receiving the grant, they had already decided to move families from the communal shelter they operate to local hotels. Within 48 hours of that decision, they received money from the grant to fund the initial move and were able to keep their staff and clients safe in the short term.
But the long-term safety of their clients was another issue. After the move, Clermont County was able to leverage the Regional Relief Fund grant to earn other matching grants and ensure their families could remain at the hotels until the “stay-at-home” order is lifted.
“If our families moved back into the shelter too quickly, the virus might follow us there,” said Billie Kuntz, Executive Director of CCCS. “Without these funds, we wouldn’t have been able to get other funding support and we would be scrambling to try to protect our workers and our families.”